Tuesday, December 23, 2008

My challenge

Today I challenged myself to translate what I'm thinking into some robotic logic as I went along my day. I am starting my slate clean in my head to try to come up with better ideas. So now for what I have learned.

There are a lot of complex patterns I have learned. Muscle control is a funny thing, specific muscles used to do certain things, that I didn't notice before. When observing things, I found that those things I found funny were those things that were ironic and don't really happen. Thought processes are intricate and seem to be triggered by things I have noticed before in the past.

So I have concluded that observing is a key in a human mind, not only observing but when given a similar scenario, one needs to know how to apply it...learning to observe?that's going to be tough, it's an instinct i dont know how we do it.

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