Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Genetics and Code

As I currently understand, we can map out our genome, and have found a few certain phenotypes from the genome. What if we could understand the process the body goes through reading the DNA. I imagine we could plug our own genomes into a computer and have a human simulator then. Then it would just be a long complicated process of trying to get the virtual human to use the computer's memory, and we have a human with infinite memory, then that human may become smart enough to improve him/herself to a point where the computer is capable of everything.

On the otherhand, why wait for us to understand our own. Maybe we could find a way to make something similar to DNA (1's and 0's?) and have those mutate and become selected with pressure until we get something smarter. Or what if we just had sooo much computing power, we could look at all possible binary combinations and a computer could recognize something intelligence (yes I realize what I just said was WAAAAY out there, again brain storming). not necessarily all combinations but all possible single mutations?

If only we could create some kind of behavior code. We as humans dont have a pre-set response for something necessarily, well in a lot of cases we do, but they're all behavioral quirks, it's all thses things that make us who we are, but how much of us do we need? I have the main goal of getting a computer to learn, I dont like the idea of giving the computer a preset understanding of what language is, a verb a noun and a subject. I dont know about the rest of the world, but when i remember speaking english and learning more, that was the last thing I thought about, and it definately wasnt pre set. I want to give a computer the functions to be able to come up with language the way we do, I think that is the only way we will ever get something that matches up with us in converstaional ability.

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